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Harness the power of our Growth Platform

Goose: Your go-to resource for growing your employee benefits agency

Smiling team using the Goose platform

Build a better growth model

Running a business and selling has never been easy, but today, it is more complex and challenging than ever. Driving predictable results depends on thoughtful marketing, an effective sales process, exceptional service, and strong leadership. Our Learning Hubs provide resources, planning tools, training, and content to build and flex your business muscles.


Kickstart your business

Your growth and success cannot be left to chance. The days of “winging it” are over. Take control and unleash your potential with specific instructions to help you create superior sales conversations, marketing programs, and operational expertise. 

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Refocusing your effort to the right places gets you results like these

10%+ More opportunities in your pipeline
10%+ Higher average revenue per opportunity
10%+ Conversion and close ratios
60%+ Increase in revenue growth

Accelerate growth with powerful features

The stepping stones on your path to growth
  • 01 Track Your Progress
  • 02 Resource Library
  • 03 Discussion Groups
  • 04 Vendor Directory
  • 05 Ask-a-coach

Track your metrics in real time

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Access performance measurement tools that filter out the noise and focus on the key indicators of healthy growth.

The right tools make every job easier

Enjoy the power of how-tos, guidebooks, and calculators to help educate the buyer and quantify the impact of your solutions.

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Peer group Q&A + sharing

Few learning opportunities are more impactful than engaging in dialogue with a peer group of professionals. Access discussion groups to share resources and deliberate the issues affecting your success and growth.

Unleash the power of solution providers

Delivering client impact is a team sport requiring collaboration with the right solution providers to win the game for your clients. Get a head start on developing more impactful partner relationships.

Receive personalized advice

Submit your questions and seek individualized guidance from coaches who have sat in your seat.

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A proven approach to more sales in five hard hitting courses

We'll show you the exact process you can use to flip the selling dynamic upside down and create a sales approach so enticing to buyers, they'd be willing to pay you to go through the process. We'll walk you through each step in the process, provide examples of successful and unsuccessful sales strategies and tactics, and give you all you need for more confidence, more money, and more sales. 

Course 01: Introduction to a Healthy Growth Model

Rather than having their own growth model, most agencies operate as more of a franchised distributor for the insurance carriers. This course lays out a healthier model that puts the producer and agency in control of their own growth and success.

Course 02: The MORE System This sales training course will introduce you to the MORE System, a consultative sales process that drives consistent sales results and ensures the buyers on the receiving end make the best buying decision possible.  
Course 03: Making Solutions Work for You in the Sales Process This course will detail how to structure and use solution documents as integral pieces to the MORE System.  
Course 04: Building a Book of Business for Long-term Growth This course focuses on strategies to drive consistent, predictable, and increased levels of growth.  
Course 05: How to Fill Your Pipeline with Quality Prospects This course will share prospecting insights that will help ensure your pipeline is filled with the right number of the right opportunities.  
"Q4i challenges us professionally. The Growth Platform has been instrumental in the strategic growth of our business. They ask the hard questions and follow up to hold us accountable."
Allison and Josh ButlerButler Benefits & Consulting

Our subscriptions

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Sales training to transform your sales conversations, plus resources to expand your effectiveness with prospecting, sales activities, professional development, and client impact.

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EXPAND + augment your growth by connecting with a community of peers and coaches to help support and motivate you along your path to growth.

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ENGAGE + access a complete suite of agency growth resources (Marketing, Sales, Service, and Leadership) for your team members.


Explore our subscriptions and pricing

Leverage a learning platform built specifically to help benefits and insurance professionals reach sales results they never thought possible.